63 Middle Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Phone Number
(978) 283-7432
Fax Number: (978) 283-9966
E-mail Address
Business Hours
9 AM to 5 PM
We welcome your interest in Eliason Law Office, LLC. However, please do not send us (by e-mail or otherwise) confidential information about any matter on which you have not already retained us to represent you. Simply sending an e-mail to us does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Eliason Law. Such a relationship does not exist until, among other things, you and Eliason Law agree on the terms of such a relationship, including our legal fees, and we have determined that representing you would not create a conflict of interest for Eliason Law. Until an attorney-client relationship has been created, information you send us may not be confidential or privileged.
- Eliason Law Office, LLC is located in downtown Gloucester, Massachusetts one block away from the retail district on Main Street.
- Follow Route 128 North to Gloucester and proceed over the Annisquam Bridge to the first rotary, Grant Circle.
- Take the first right off of the rotary onto Washington Street (Small Shopping Center will be on your right).
- Follow Washington Street for a little more than ½ mile. You will pass a Dunkin’Donuts on your right. Take your third left onto Prospect Street shortly after Dunkin’ Donuts.
- Follow Prospect approximately ¼ mile and take a right onto School Street. At the end of School Street, Eliason Law’s building will be directly in front of you. You may take a right or left at the intersection.
- There is metered parking along Middle Street in both directions and a municipal lot at the end of Middle Street if you turn left.

63 Middle Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Phone Number
(978) 283-7432
Fax Number: (978) 283-9966